新加坡嚴訂食品標示須加註過敏原警示新加坡農產品及檢疫局(AVA)規定自2011年10月起食品標示須加註過敏原警示。該新規定要求廠商須清楚標示經証實會引發過敏反應的含麥麩麥片、甲殼類海整合負債鮮、蛋及蛋製品、魚及漁產品、花生、大豆及豆製品、牛奶及奶製品(含乳糖)、堅果等八大類食品及每公斤含量超過10毫克的亞硫酸鹽(一種食品添加劑)。 以重量遞減表示的成分表除了詳實借錢標出所有食品使用的原料及添加物,並須加註會引發過敏的食品原料及添加物的警示。 食品廠商依舊標示法能於2011年10月15日前生產及引進產品,但僅能於2011年4月15日前於新加坡境內銷售。租屋網新規定將於該宣導期後全面強制執行。 (,摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 02/2012,2 Feb. 2012)NEW FOOD LABELLING REQUIREMENTS The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) 租房子has introduced new food labeling requirements effective October 2011. The new regulation requires labeling on eight major categories of foods and ingredients known to G2000trigger allergies. They are cereals containing gluten, crustacean, eggs and egg products, fish and fish products, peanuts, soybean and its products, milk and milk products 買屋(including lactose), tree nuts, and sulphites in concentrates of 10mg/kg or more. All food ingredients and additives used in food products, including those listed as 融資food ingredients and additive causing hypersensitivity, should be declared clearly in the statement of ingredients in descending order by weight. Food companies were 21世紀房屋仲介given until 15 October, 2011 to continue producing and bringing in products under previous labeling rules and these products are allowed to be sold in Singapore until 15 節能燈具April, 2011. The new ruling is expected to be fully enforced after the period.

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